
Getting Into Routine

Ok, sorry it's been so long since my last post. It's been a busy past few weeks. I've gotten the routine down of dropping the kids off at school, going back to eat lunch with them, and then going back again to pick them up. Once we get home we have gouter(snack) and get the table set for dinner. Then the kids start on their homework. Last week I had to cook dinner every night because Marie-Berengere was on a vacation in New York. I'm sure the kids were happy when she got back. :) I'm determined to find a french cooking class somewhere nearby! I've had a lot more time to explore the city of Rennes and everyday I find something new and exciting. I've been able to go to a couple movies, the first one was Captain America and the second one was  La Guerre Des Boutons. I was totally lost during that one. I also went to the library and found a small section of English books. In a few weeks I will be able to get a free library card so I plan on going more often soon.

I will start my French class next week! I'm super super excited about that! It's so frustrating not being able to speak to people. I cannot tell you how many people have come up to me and asked for directions or something else and I have no idea what they are saying. I just have to apologize and tell them I don't speak French. Sometimes they keep talking and I just smile and nod. haha, what else can I do? I do feel like I've made a little progression. Probably more than I realize. I try to speak only french with the kids and tell them to speak only in french back to me. Sometimes they'll just have to say it in English because I just don't understand.

Annalise and I discovered something amazing! Caramel! It comes from Brittany and it is amazing. I plan on buying a lot before I come home. We had it on ice cream and then I had it in a crepe. Mmmmmm....

I was introduced to a lady whose kids go to the same school as the ones I nanny. Her and her family lived in the U.S. for a few years so they know a little English, but she wanted me to tutor her two kids once a week. So last Saturday I went to their home outside of Rennes in a beautiful area for their first lesson. She told me not to prepare anything and to just get to know them. Their names are Solenn and Elouan and they are super fun and have a lot of energy. They know English pretty well already but I think they need help with pronunciation and writing. If anyone has any tips on how to have fun but useful lessons PLEASE let me know! I could use any help!

Funny story. Annalise, the missionaries, and I were on the metro and the doors were about to close but an old lady (hard of hearing) didn't hear the warning sound and kept walking towards the doors. Right at the wrong (or right) moment the doors starting closing. And the old lady was squished...mostly on the face. It was really sad, but also it was really hard not to laugh. She was definitely startled but no harm was done and she made it all the way into the train. I told the family the story at dinner and Cedric said that one time in Paris a man was rushing onto the metro and the doors closed right on his hand and suitcase and he eventually had to let the suitcase go. Oh how funny that would be to see that!

It's already been a month and time has flown by!! I hope the rest of the year doesn't go like this because it would be just way too fast for me! There is still so much I have to learn and see! I have a weird obsession with castles and find them fascinating! I'm definitely in the right place but I have yet to see one! Hopefully sooner than later I will get the opportunity! I also want to travel around France but I don't want to do that until I know the language better.

I got my first package in the mail and it was so exciting! It felt like Christmas, it was great! I asked my mom to send me a few things. Okay, a lot of things. And she sent exactly what I needed. I asked for some prizes for the kids for when they earn enough stars they can choose from them. They were really excited about them so hopefully this will motivate them to be extra good so they can earn them! If you have any cool prize ideas let me know!


Mikelle Jade said...

oooh, the missionaries? hehe.
Anyways, I could totally see this happening and you laughing. Oh brookie.

As for prizes and teaching English-- I will let you know if I think of something, and you are SUCH a good nanny!

Unknown said...

I'm glad to hear that you are doing good! Sounds like fun over there! If I come up with any ideas for you I will let you know. I am sure you already have done this but i would totally google lessons and stuff for the kiddos. I would do it haha. Can't wait to read your next post. :)